How to Declutter Your Bedroom Space

How to Declutter Your Bedroom Space

It's important to keep your bedroom clean. It's the first place you see when you wake up and the last place you see at night. A clean bedroom is one without clutter. It doesn't matter if you live in a studio apartment or a master bedroom you have to keep your room neat and tidy. It's not just about the bed or sleeping area but also involves under the bed, closet, and other storage areas. Your bedroom should be your safe haven. It should afford you calmness and peace away from the troubles of the world. When your bedroom is cluttered and disorganized, it becomes unrelaxing, overwhelming, and stressful.

Cleaning your bedroom might be your ticket to having a good night's rest. No matter how insignificant you think clutter is, it has a way of making you feel uneasy and bothered. Clutter tends to overstimulate your brain and make it difficult for you to sleep peacefully. Although your bedroom is not a place that people frequent, you should still keep it neat. Many people only declutter the places that visitors see when they come into their home. Clutter has a way of attracting more clutter. As soon as your bedroom is a little messy and you refuse to clean it up, it becomes so cluttered before you even realize what's happening. You should learn to declutter your room quite often and maintain best practices in order to keep it clutter-free every single day. Here are some steps to follow when decluttering your bedroom space.

  1. Start by Clearing Flat Surfaces

When you want to start decluttering your room, you should start with the basic things that are visibly littered. Sometimes stuff tends to pile up on flat surfaces such as your desk, dresser, shelves, and nightstand. Scrutinize everything, throw out all garbage and place everything else in the right places. For every item you find, ask yourself if you use it every day. If not, put it away or store it in a box. Any item that isn't much use to you in the bedroom should be put away. The most important thing is to make sure everything is kept properly. Ensure that your nightstand and table tops should be as free as possible. Keep the items on flat surfaces minimal.

Almost everything should be out of sight. This will help you clear your mind and let you sleep better at night. You should also assess all the furniture in your room. Whatever you do not need on a daily basis should be removed or relocated to another room. It's very easy for clutter to pile up on flat surfaces including the floor. However, you should start with one flat surface and clear it before moving on to others. Remember to keep things in the appropriate places. The things that actually cause clutter usually do not have a home so while decluttering you have to make a home for them. Put very little items back on the flat surfaces in your bedroom. Only your most essential or sentimental items should be within eyesight. Decluttering the flat surfaces of your room keeps everywhere neat and you won't be bothered when trying to sleep. Your bedroom environment should then become more restful and organized.


  1. Declutter Drawers, Dressers and Closets

Now it's time to declutter your dressers and drawers. You have to really sort through the contents. Pour out your clothes on a flat surface preferably your bed then start to assess them. You will find out that there are clothes that you haven't worn for over a year. Chances are you don't like them anymore or they just can't fit. Such clothes should be given to charity or thrown away. If you come across any item that is not supposed to be in your bedroom, pack them in a box so you can move them back to the room where they are meant to be. There are also off-season items that take up so much space in the bedroom. You need to find a way of moving them out of the room. You also have to organize your drawers properly. Each drawer should contain items.

Next, you should clean your closet. Whether you have a big or small closet, it can still be cluttered all the same. This is why you have to ensure that your closet is organized. Decluttering and organizing your closet helps to create more storage space. It doesn't matter if there is a door separating the closet from the rest of your bedroom, it still has to be cleaned. You need some supplies to declutter your closet. They include baskets, plastic bags, vacuum, and broom. Empty everything in the closet than clean and vacuum. Organize your stuff together and put the same types of items in the same place. Ensure to put the things you use quite often at the forefront where you can easily find them.

  1. Clean and Use the Extra Bedroom Storage

The clearing isn't the same as cleaning. You have to get rid of all the dirt and dust in your bedroom. You can start by dusting and cleaning flat surfaces, decor, shelves, and even the walls. Clean the windows, wipe the blinds, vacuum the whole bedroom then use an air freshener when done. You might need some extra bedroom storage for putting items that do not have a home. You need a laundry basket to keep dirty clothes off the floor of your bedroom. A basket will help you organize clothes that need to be washed. This way you won't have to scatter them all over the room. Use bowls and trays to collect jewelry, books, glasses, and other accessories. Do not forget to clean under your bed and wash your bedding as well.

The bedroom is meant to make you rest and relax. If it's cluttered and disorganized, your anxiety levels will rise and you might feel tired and irritated. You do not have to declutter your room every day but you should do it at least once every two weeks. This helps to stop stuff from piling up. You should also learn to arrange the bedroom, make your bed, and return items back to their original locations. Healthy habits on a daily basis will help you keep a decluttered bedroom.

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